
Case Study

Helping Government Scientists Bring Their Future into Focus

Toffler Associates was commissioned by a federal agency to facilitate a strategy workshop with the goal of formulating a new organizational vision and mission statement. 

The workshop required the integration of perspectives from a cross-functional team of 60 subject matter experts representing various sectors within the agency. 

The Challenge 

With 60+ participants, Toffler was concerned about efficiently capturing insights. Relying on manual data capture through flip charts and sticky notes would make it difficult to refine, categorize and prioritize high volumes of participant-contributed data during the workshop. 

Toffler also wanted to encourage full participant engagement throughout the experience, ensuring the mission and vision reflected all contributions, not just those of the most vocal participants. 

As a collaborative, client-centric consulting firm, Toffler sought a facilitation tool that would elevate the client experience and allow its consultants to dedicate more time to strategic work. 

The Solution 

To manage this multifaceted session, Toffler Associates partnered with Meahana to: 

Listen to Everyone: The platform supported the simultaneous collection of input from all attendees, guaranteeing every participant a platform to be heard. 

Anonymous Contributions: Meahana introduced a feature to anonymize contributions, enabling the revelation of candid insights from all corners of the discussion participants moved seamlessly between activities enabling participants to see how their data contributed to the outcome. 

Streamlined Data Analysis: Meahana's automated qualitative data analysis features significantly minimized the time required for post-session processing. 

The Outcome 

Using Meahana, Toffler Associates adeptly steered a full-day visioning workshop that yielded significant and meaningful results: 

Full Participation: The platform's design championed exhaustive team involvement and parity in contribution, cultivating well-rounded results. 

Amplified Voices: The platform played a key role in eliciting insights from participants who had previously taken a backseat, thus enriching the dialogue's scope. 

Consensus Building: The workshop concluded with a unified agreement on the vision, mission, and strategic priorities for the agency. 

Expedited Data Synthesis: Time allocated for post-session analysis was slashed drastically from several days to under eight hours. 


"With over 60 participants, effectively capturing input and securing buy-in would have been a formidable challenge without Meahana. The platform’s ability to instantly transform the output from one activity into actionable input for the next was pivotal in achieving alignment in such a condensed time frame. It was a remarkable success." - Dan Fukushima, Director